The Brotherhood (and Sisterhood) of 'The Life.'

A blog from the Student Life Department of the Word of Life Bible Institute, Owen Sound Campus.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Heres looking at you campus

In past years Campus Days has stuck out in the minds of students who have attended them.  For many of last year's 'campus day-ers', it really challenged them to think seriously about how WOLBI could fit in with their education, and finalized their decision of coming here.  Here is what some students have to say about attending Campus Days before they enrolled:
"Campus Days was awesome! When I was in the dorm with the guys, it made me really excited to live in a dorm too! I also liked how things were organized."
"It was cool to study the Bible in depth, it wasn't just like going to a church service on Sunday. I liked to to see how the students and professors were really living out what they were learning. It wasn't fake to them."
"I really liked the games and the food and meeting the students. It was neat-o!"
"Campus Days helped me to see how studying the Bible was important to my education and life."

Campus Days is coming up soon and is an exciting day where you can see what it is like to be a student here!  You get to live like a student, go to classes like a student, and eat like a student (which doesn't involve just throwing the whole meal out on the table and eating it with your hands, though this may be what you thought it was like). You get to go to Chapel, soak in teaching from our on-campus professors and a guest lecturer, meet our student body, and have lots and lots of fun!  Come find out how you can get to know God more intimately through His Word.
So now that you are coming, you may be wondering about a few minor details like when, where, etc.  Well here is some more information so you know exactly when to be here!  We look forward as the student body and staff to seeing you here!

When?  November 11-12, 2010   -Registration starts at 6:30pm
Where?  Word of Life Bible Institute
How Much?  $20 per person, if you drive a full car load, then you come free!
Questions? Or for more info call Allie at (800)461-3503


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